"Marshmallow now runs on more than 10% of active Android devices, 8 months after its launch."
According to the monthly report published by Google showing which version of Android is run by active devices, Android 6.0 finally crossed the 10% mark nearly 8 months after its launch. This is a 2.6% rise in active devices running the latest version of Google’s OS.
Lollipop still leads the other versions, with 35% of Android devices running it, followed by Kitkat which is run by 31.6%, which is pretty impressive considering it launched two and a half years ago. Both of these OS’s have lost 0.8% and 0.9% of users respectively. Froyo, Gingerbread and Ice-Cream sandwich make for less than 5% of the share combined. This data was collected from devices visiting the Google Play Store in the 7 day period ending on June 6th.
This marks a 500% growth in the number of devices running Marshmallow since March, when only 2.3% of the devices were running the same. With Android N launching in the months to come, one can assume that people and OEMs alike would finally start moving away from older versions of Android especially because of various security concerns for older Android devices.
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