"Reliance Jio 'Happy New Year Offer' announced for subscribers, with validity up to March 31, 2017."
As expected, RIL chairman Mukesh Ambani today announced an extension to Reliance Jio’s popular Welcome Offer. But instead of being called Welcome Offer though, it will now be known as ‘Happy New Year Offer’ and it is valid till March 31, 2017.
Reliance Jio‘s Happy New Year Offer is valid till March 31, 2017 and it is applicable for both new and existing subscribers. Starting December 4, new subscribers will be added to the new offer, while existing subscribers will continue to be on the Welcome Offer till December 31, 2016, and from January 1, they will be automatically transferred to the Happy New Year Offer.
Jio’s Happy New Year Offer is in essence a rebranded Welcome Offer, which was announced back in September 1. While subscribers will be able to enjoy all of the same services, the one big difference is the reduced FUP limit. As a part of this offer, Jio users get access to unlimited free voice and video calls across India, and unlimited high-speed 4G data (daily limit 1GB). If a user crosses the 1GB per day limit, their data speeds will be reduced to 128Kbps for the rest of the day, and normal speeds will resume after 12:00AM.
Subsrcibers also get access to unlimited free local and national SMS messages, and Jio’s full suite of apps which includes the likes of JioPlay, JioOnDemand, JioBeats, JioXpressNews, JioSecurity, JioDrive, JioMags and JioMoney among others. Apps like JioPlay lets you watch live TV on the go, JioOnDemand lets you watch the movies from the company’s library, JioBeats is the company’s music streaming service, and JioMoney is a digital wallet that lets you transfer money to other people, as well as pay utility and various other kinds of bills.
Mukesh Ambani kicked off his speech today by touching upon Jio’s recent milestone of having reached 50 million subscribers in less than three months, with 600,000 users signing up every single day. He shared some stats about Jio’s users who on an average are using 25 times more data than average Indian broadband user. With these kind of numbers, it is little wonder that Jio wants to continue with its free offer. But with TRAI’s guidelines not allowing promotional offers to be valid for more than 90 days, it explains why Jio renamed the Welcome Offer to Happy New Year Offer.
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